
Kohle Stahl & Dreck

Helden schwarzer Tage - Kohle Stahl & Dreck

Release 2024/08/16
10 years of rich sound with "Maiden" influence!

The HELDEN SCHWARZER TAGE are not above the usual genre clichés, but at the crucial moment they always escape the threatening monotony and put their own stamp on the usual German rock with a skilful "Maiden" headline. Founded in 2011 by friends Rapha (drums), Sebi (guitar) and Roko (bass), they were not a simple German rock band from the start, but rather saw themselves as a link to traditional metal. In 2013, the HELDEN SCHWARZER TAGE released their debut album of the same name, which was followed by two more albums, "Abseits der Spur" in 2016 and "Deine Welt" in 2018.

After a few member changes and the band's 10th anniversary, recording of the fourth studio album entitled "Kohle Stahl & Dreck" began in 2024. With this album and new formation, after a long break, a time with the HELDEN SCHWARZER TAGE days finally begins again.


01Kohle Stahl & Dreck
02Seid ihr bereit
03Nie wieder lieben
04Setz deine Segel
0510 Jahre
06Beste Freunde
07Karneval des Wahnsinns
08Fluch für immer
09Was das heißt
10Ich lasse mich nicht verarschen
11Work life balance
13Zombie der Gesellschaft