
It's Good, Feels Good

Bell Book & Candle - It's Good, Feels Good

Release 2024/08/16
With the single "It's Good, Feels Good" as a precursor to the upcoming new album "L.O.V.E.", Bell Book & Candle open up new worlds to their fans and themselves. When writing the lyrics, Jana Groß was inspired by the influential poet Bertolt Brecht and also by her life as a band and as friends. Based on the quote:

,,Will man Schweres bewältigen, muss man es sich leicht machen" (Bertolt Brecht)

Keep the light.
Make things happen.
give up control.
Get moving.
Experience something beautiful.
Each other.
Wanting the impossible and accepting what is possible.
That's a good thing and it feels good.

So, let's go!


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