
For Tomorrow

REAVEN (FRA) - For Tomorrow

Release 2022/05/06
"For Tomorrow" is an album that truly echoes the perception of our world, it's many facets. I wanted to describe my impressions with as much honesty as possible. This album is, above all, a message of hope and benevolence. We need it more than ever.
Even when I talk about the troubles of our time, when I describe reality as I feel it, I never forget to leave a window open on the possibility of better days.
It is also a musical journey that we wanted to transcribe in this opus, a desire to federate, to bring together. To offer changing colors, surprises, and be able to let your mind escape from reality for a while.
I really think that each person will be able to appropriate and tame this album, to find their truth and their way of imagining what tomorrow will be like. There is this idea of introspection, of taking a fresh and new look at the world that surrounds us."


02A Place Where You Belong
03Rush Free Your Soul
04Electric Love
05Burning Night
07My City's On Fire
10In Another Life
11Hold Me Close
12Ordinary Heroes
13I Can Do It
14Brother In Life
15For Tomorrow Song